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Participation on national level


Project description

Title of the subproject:
Stakeholder Analysis and involvement on national level

The involvement of decision makers, interest groups and concerned parties ("stakeholders") in scientific research projects has a long tradition in applied environmental research. While CC-LandStraD aims at developing scenarios and options for a land use management adapted to climate change in Germany, the results achieved will be discussed, refined and developed further, together with relevant societal stakeholders.

Thünen Institute of Rural Studies


Relevant national representatives from politics, administration and a broad range of interest groups (that is, stakeholders in a narrower sense), especially from the sectors of agriculture, forestry, settlement and transport, are continuously involved throughout the project. Stakeholder participation aims to critically check the social feasibility and real-world applicability of the scenarios, strategies and measures developed.

Research approach and methods

The subproject reflects the tradition of social-ecological research (SÖF) and applies approaches and methods developed in this field. In a first step, the most relevant stakeholders at the national level will be identified and characterised based upon document and literature analysis and Internet research. To ensure their continuous involvement in the research project, different methods of empirical social and environmental research will then be applied.

Cross-sectoral stakeholder workshops will be used to present project results and systematically gather stakeholder feedback. Semi-structured interviews with experts will provide specific perspectives on various and partly competing land use options. Current and future land use conflicts and the relevance of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the different land-use sectors will also be the focus of these interviews. In sector-related workshops, relevant aspects of agriculture, forestry, settlement development and transport infrastructure under conditions of climate change are explored in more detail.

For further information on organised events please see “Results and Documentation.”

A close cooperation exists between the subprojects "Regulatory Systems of Environmental Laws and Spatial Planning in Land Use" und "Participatory Approaches of Impact Assessment".

Results and documentation

In the sub-project "Participation on the national level", a comprehensive stakeholder analysis is conducted of players in the field of land use in Germany. The first interim results, as well as the documentation on activities in national participatory process have already been compiled (see column right). In the further course of time, sectoral and subsequently intersectoral workshops are planned with actors.

In the further course of time, sectoral and subsequently intersectoral workshops are planned with actors. Details on the planned activities can be found in the following summary:

(Time sheet to download as pdf; not barrier free; 49 KB)


Workshop documentation: "Interdependencies between land use and climate change" (June 2015)
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 170 KB; German)

Protokoll zum Workshop: "Landnutzungs-Szenario 2030: Siedlungsflächenentwicklung und Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz und zur Klimaanpassung" (May 2014)
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 2,4 MB; German)

Protokoll zum Workshop: "Landwirtschaft im Klimawandel: Status quo der Landbewirtschaftung und möglische Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz" (April 2014)
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 2,3 MB; German)

Protokoll zum Workshop: "Klimawandel in der Waldwirtschaft: Strategien, Risken, Unsicherheiten" (December 2013)
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 194 KB; Geman)

CC-LandStraD Working Paper Nr. 1 - Summary (December 2012)
Mitigating and adapting to climate change. Perceptions and assessments of stakeholders of different land use sectors
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 587 KB)

Protokoll zum Workshop: "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel: Auswahl und Bewertung von Maßnahmen für die Strategien" (November 2012)
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 147 KB; German)

Einordnung des nationalen BeteiligungsprozessesCC-LandStraD (January 2012)
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 41 KB; German)

Dokumentation Auftaktworkshop Nationaler Beteiligungsprozess (June 2011)
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Einstiegspapier Nationaler Beteiligungsprozess (Mai 2011)
Download as pdf (not barrier free; 95 KB; German)

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